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Dog Drivers Again! Doggonit!


They say third time is the charm...well this is the THIRD time I've tried to post this today, (the first two suddenly disappearing into the ether, after locking up the works!). No, no the computer isn't at fault~ works fine everywhere else...scanned within an inch of its collective parts. I'll post it 100x if that's what it takes (I learned a long time ago to save all my pictures and writing~ so I can keep this up as long as the glitch in Wix's blog editor continues! TEE HEE!).

Frax has his confused look for us today. Why is mom posing me with this bus? (It's the only auto in the house!). He complied, only after stuffing the bus with mbdb's (Milk Bone dog biscuits).

So here we go again...

Hard to believe, but for the second time in several months I'm writing about doggie drivers! The Australians taught shelter dogs to drive cars (on a closed course) as a promotional idea for the local animal shelter. That wasn't the most fun part of that article for me~ it was when one of the dogs took off down the course, the trainer running after him to stop! Who wouldn't? The wind in your fur, the sense of power under your paws....

Today, in Scotland a pup messed up traffic miserably causing delays. The BBC actually tweeted the incident, reassuring people that it wasn't a hoax and that “the farmer and the police were on site.” After being pulled over on the M-74 throughway peacefully, traffic resumed normality, and drivers were reassured by the local radio that the way was once again clear to drive.

Everyone seems a bit confused as to how the canine pulled it off. The only thing that makes sense is that he has watched his farmer drive the tractor every day for years, and learned that way.

But why? Well, much as the New Zealand canines were taught to drive in 2012~ the fur blowing back in your face, the feeling of power under your paws, getting to go somewhere on your own, without having to beg for a ride. Lot's of reasons. Why a tractor? Probably easier to hack~ No doors to open like on a sedan. I'm fairly sure that this smart dog will have that figured out in time.

Where was he en route to? I would check if there are any new doggie parks, daycare or food supply outlets that have opened recently. We all love the grand openings don't we? Why not canines?

The history of canines and motor vehicles is a long and storied one. Which is why Frax and his cousins who have been to school are shocked that people are amazed they can drive! Why not? It would save countless, and we do mean countless! trips to the the dog food store. Of course there would be no room for human food in the pantry, but hey, the people have got the fridge after all!

The afternoon of May 23, 1903, Horatio Nelson Jackson and Sewell Crocker (a bike machinist) jumped into a cherry-red Winton touring car en route to motor all the way from San Francisco to NYC. It came about as a bar bet for $50.00 that the auto was a passing fad, and he would never make it!

The trip was plagued with mechanical and technical issues. Only 150 miles of roads in the entire nation were paved at that time, and they were using gear made for the 20th century, in the last vestiges of the 19th

Their directions were awful, and Jackson had slim or none abilities in the mechanical realm. In Idaho, they adopted a bull-terrier they christened Bud, thinking their mascot would help their chances crossing the country, bringing them good luck. He didn't. He proudly road from Idaho to the finish in NYC in the front seat, wearing goggles specially designed for him! Bud obviously shared his experiences during this epic canine moment, and converted dogs far and wide to not only ride in cars, but later to hang their heads out of cars (with eye protection of course!)

They left with a lot of fanfare, and returned with barely a mention! They arrived in NYC on Sunday July 26 at 4:30am. They had traveled 4,500 miles in 63 DAYS. He did win the $50.00 bet, arriving with a month to spare! Of course he spent $8000 (his wife was an heiress luckily!)


A Dog Has Caused Chaos In Scotland After Driving A Tractor On A Motorway

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