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This goes under the miscellaneous, but weird file here at My Helper Wears A Fur Suit. We all know cats have a different slant on how the world works. We also know that unless raised together as babies that most cats and dogs do not get along, or barely tolerate one another.

There are many jokes of a dog nature, that while the owner was gone, the CAT was the one that destroyed the couch. That defies the laws of nature and physics that the cat could physically wreck that sort of destruction.

Cats are more subtle in their misadventures. They think through stuff so much, that they (much like people!) wind up shooting themselves in the foot.

A for instance: My brother-in-law loved a particular cinnamon bread made by a bakery down the block from us. Sometimes we would get him some before it closed, since he works in Oak Ridge, and the traffic is bad a quitting time in the afternoons.

He was working late one evening, and had skipped supper, because it was busy. As he drove home to Crossville, he couldn't get his mind off the freshly baked cinnamon loaf of bread awaiting him at home. He often said it was so buttery and rich, it was like eating dessert, and not bread.

Since he was so hungry, he had little on his mind but the fresh loaf awaiting him in the kitchen on the counter. As he got close to home, he found himself humming a happy tune, thinking of the yummy treat down the road...

He unlocked the door to home, and there was the bread, sitting in it's plastic loaf container, just as he left it. But something looked odd about the bread. When he left for work that morning, It didn't sag in the middle like that....and the entire house didn't smell like Cinnamon loaf bread, like it did now.

Curious, he gently picked up the loaf holder by the tightly bound twisted end with a twist-tie. All the inside bread quickly sagged to the bottom of the bag, like a bag of bread crumbs you would save for bird-feeding. The loaf was gone.

In it's place were crumbs, and bite marks through the plastic, cat sized bite marks~ the cat had spent the day biting every square inch of the plastic bag the bread was in.....leaving crumbs. ….

My brother-in-law looked to the right, where the cat had quietly been watching him find out what was wrong with the bread. "YOU!" He sputtered at the cat....the cats green eyes grew big as saucers...because he knew he wasn't even allowed up on the kitchen counters! The cat sprung up so quickly it hit the ceiling, bounced from one end of the dining room to the other, and made a mad dash under the bed in the spare room. He wouldn't come out either. Not for days. Unless no-one was home, then he would eat from his bowl and drink, but not show himself. He knew he had done bad.

Meanwhile, a bread container was purchased, made of sturdy wood, that no cat could get open, and a fresh loaf of cinnamon loaf put in it. The cat never ever was seen to get up on the counters in the kitchen again, and life was good.

This is the story I heard about the video. No way to check if it's true. A person who had had a nice little terrier dog, recently adopted a full grown cat. It seemed they got along well enough. However, after all the years living there with the little dog, the neighbors started complaining of her dog "barking all day long". She just knew that couldn't be right after all the years he had patiently stayed at home while she worked, and not a peep out of him.

The owner set up a 'sting'. She pretended to go off to work as usual, walked around the house, and came back in the back very quietly. She taped and recorded the cat...sitting in the window, making sure she had left.....then starting to BARK! Constantly. The cat must have felt she was being watched, and turned, to see her owner taping her barking! The cat gave a strangled half bark-meow cough, and started meowing, like the barking just had never happened.....Ah but it did~ and the whole world by today knows her devious plan to get rid of the good little dog that had done nothing wrong.

So....if you want a devious cat that likes to bark all day, I bet that owner will gladly give you it. Or the local pound.

I had a cat when I was a girl. I had asked for a dog. She learned to bat a ping-pong ball back and forth. That was her claim to fame. It wasn't till I was a married woman that I got my first dog, a Dalmatian. And I had allergy testing showing I'm not allergic to any other animal other than cats! So no

cats here...but I thought this story and the other both true, would make folks laugh. Honestly, I doubt I could believe a cat could mimic a dogs bark. I suppose it depends how badly the cat wanted the dog gone! lol


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