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Well, there is one good thing about being stuck at home due to weather~ it gives you plenty of time to fix whatever you've done to mess the blog up. I have nothing. No idea what I did, and if I have to think about it much more my head will explode! Just know if you ever log on and it's messed up, I'm frantically trying to resolve it on my end. When I resolve to do a creative project (this qualifies!) I give it my all. If it's broke, I'll fix it! ;)

Now, on to the fun stuff! Let's see. There's something going on with the weather here in the U.S.~ have you heard anything? Like snow, ice and cold? I've had plenty of time to think about it this week and have decided that we as a nation are real picky about the weather. Folks, ahm, as far as we know...we can't control weather or the seasons! It drives people crazy that this one thing is always going to be out of their control! Rather amusing. :)

This is called WINTER. It's supposed to be cold, slushy, gross and icy. It's also great to make snowmen, snow angels, sledding (!!!), snapping gorgeous pictures, and playing in the snow with your honey, family and bff dog!

Frax was pretty amazed at the ice. He's seen and dealt with snow, so it wasn't a big deal to my easygoing helper. Now the ice...that was something else. I've mentioned a time or so that Frax is a big guy. Along with that are large feet easily as big as my rather small people hands. The effect on ice is somewhat akin to four pair of snow-board or ski! So...our fine fella darted out our sliding glass door and turned to run down the several foot long handicap ramp! Frax's expression was priceless! His very mobile eyebrows shot straight up as he shot straight down the ramp, his tail motoring in increasingly fast circles! He slid several feet beyond the ramp resting on his ample derriere!

And my fine dog's response? A huge doggie smile! Ice rocks! More snow/ice adventures to follow...;)

Later alligator! LV, FX and JT

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