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Winter Weather WOOOOOO!


Well, you might be confused if you stepped off a plane right now at our airport. It's looking much more like Alaska, and less like East Tennessee as each hour passes. The snow from several days ago remained on secondary roads and yards today, but off the main routes and interstates midday. Everyone went out to the grocery stores...and if they are running true to form, bought bread and milk! If anyone can answer that burning question, email me. Why when you could possibly buy anything else...would you flock to the stores to buy that? But they do...year after year.

This is Frax pretending I'm not taking his picture!


Frax is totally unamused at this point and goes out just to attend to urgent matters. He has such a sleek coat but no undercoat. Last week we had to get already late books back to the library, and I got a large shirt and put it on him, then his vest and harness. He was mortified but warm. Then when we got home, I couldn't resist...I put my white toboggan with stylish pom-pom on top on his head, and my long-suffering good boy held still for a couple silly pictures. Then glared at me the rest of the evening. I finally got them downloaded and they are really cute! I will share it with you in a moment. As I described in an earlier post, he always gets his feet washed and dried thouroughly after being out on salted areas.


This is Frax totally mortified in his outfit.

Bill's mom is ill, and probably will be moving to a nursing home, she broke her hip two weeks ago, and is in rehab at a near-by home. She allegedly has a cat. A cat that no-one has ever seen (truth!) Bill leaves food and water, he comes back, it's gone and the kitty litter pan is obviously used. Very strange. Everyone in the family has done the 'here kitty kitty kitty' thing, no response. The cat's name is 'Gabby' which seems rather inappropriate since it's the only feral inside cat I've ever heard of. Very odd.


This is our backyard earlier today...

So, tonight the local weather folk have us under a winter storm alert till 1pm tommorrow. No-0ne really thought it would come to much, it's notoriously difficult to predict around here. started snowing buckets about 5pm today, and it's pelting down as I write this as fast as I can. It's entirely possible and probable we might lose power, again. We just took some awesome snow pictures, and there is at least four to five more inches on top of the two inches already on the grass! Amazing really. Hopefully, if the grid doesn't go down I can post some fresh pictures for you tommorrow. Right now I will post Frax's outfit from our excursion last week, and our ice photos.


Frozen tree buds in our front yard, these are dogwood.

Everyone...stay safe, stay warm. Keep your loving furry friends inside and safe with plenty food and water. Check on the disabled and elderly. Now is one of the times we need to pull together as a human family:)! Love to all...

Later~LV, FX & JT


Frax says stay safe! See his concerned face!

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